Privacy Policy

Personal data management

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This personal data processing/protection policy (hereinafter “Policy”) provides information on the collection, storage, processing and use of your personal data.

The company under the name NaxosRide Rent a Car (hereinafter “Company” or “we” or “our”) located in Naxos P.C. 84300, Greece, tel. +30 6909032390, contact e-mail address, acting as a Data Controller, collects, stores, uses and generally processes your personal data.

  1. What is personal data?

The term “personal data” refers to information of natural persons, such as, but not limited to, full name, postal address, e-mail address, contact telephone number, etc., which identifies or can identify you, hereinafter referred to as “Personal Data or Data”.

  1. What is the Processing of Personal Data?

Any operation or set of operations performed, with or without the use of automated means, on Personal Data or sets of Personal Data, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or any other form of making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

  1. What Data do we collect from you?

We take care to collect only Data that is strictly necessary to serve the purpose for which it was provided and is used solely and exclusively for the purposes for which it was collected.

With the exception of any Data collected by Cookies (see more Cookies Policy here), the Data are limited to what you have provided explicitly and for a specific purpose and if you have given your consent. We also collect Data during your visit to our website and if you have consented to this, consent which is presumed by filling in the respective fields.

3.1. Identity data, such as name, surname, patronymic, date of birth, driver’s license, VAT number, VAT number.

3.2 Contact/shipment data, such as postal address, e-mail address, telephone number.

3.3. Payment details, such as credit/debit card number, PayPal, bank account number.

3.4. Identifying information, such as username, IP address

  1. How do we use your Data?

The processing of your Data is carried out either by the specially authorized personnel of our Company, or through computer systems and electronic devices by our Company and exceptionally by third parties, who, having been contractually bound to our Company for the confidentiality and protection of your Data, process them exclusively and only for the purposes for which they have been provided to us.

More generally, your Data is processed in order to provide you with the following services:

4.1. Submission of an offer: The Company processes your Data for the purpose of submitting an offer for short or long-term car rental.

4.2 Car Hire: The Company processes your Data in order to fulfil its contractual relationship with you, which is car hire, to provide services (such as maintenance, garages, repair, vehicle replacement, etc.), to comply with legal obligations, to oppose, raise or exercise legal claims.

4.3. Buying a car: The Company processes your Data in order to complete the purchase of used cars.

4.4. The Company processes your Data in order to be able to comply with its legal obligations, in particular in relation to compliance with tax and insurance legislation or the insurance coverage of a vehicle under an active insurance contract.

4.5. Create a User Account: The Company processes your Data in order to provide you with account functions and to facilitate, for example, the conclusion of a lease contract or the purchase of products and/or services.

4.6. Newsletter: the Company provides you with the opportunity to choose, if you wish, to be informed at your e-mail address about promotional / advertising activities of the Company (e.g. for new products / or services available in the market, any offers, operation of new car rental stations, tourist offices, etc.).

4.7. Information services on the Website: The Company provides information services for its customers

4.8. Customer benefit programs: Through these programs, the Company offers a number of benefits to its customers, such as, but not limited to, priority service at the rental stations, more advantageous locations in the Company’s parking lots, discount coupons, promotions, etc.

4.9. Communication: The Company uses your Data to respond to the requests/queries you submit, indicatively through the ContactCenter and the contact forms.

4.10. Finding a job: The Company processes your Data for the purpose of assessing your qualifications and skills for the position for which you have applied or for another position within the Company and for the purpose of contacting you in connection with this purpose.

4.11. Participation in on-line promotions / competitions: The Company processes Data that you fill in for your participation in a competition, if you agree, in order to conduct competitions, to notify you if you are a winner of the competition and to deliver your prize.

4.12. Participation in on-line market surveys / questionnaires: The Company processes Data that you fill in to participate in on-line surveys, for example demographic data (age, income, etc.). You can enter all or none of the information, at your choice. The results of the surveys will only be used to improve the features of our website, for your evaluation and subsequent improvement of the services provided to you and for no other purpose.

  1. For what purpose do we process your Data?

We collect your Data for the purposes of the products and/or services provided, indicatively for:

a) the evaluation of your request for the submission of a tender and the conclusion of the lease contract.

b) the management of the lease of the car you have chosen, e.g. communication and information regarding availability, the execution of the contract, the provision of maintenance, repair, replacement, vehicle pick-up, etc., the sending of the necessary documents for products you may have purchased or services you may have been provided, the management of your debts to the Company, the making of returns.

c) compliance with the obligations imposed by the applicable legislation e.g. labour tax and insurance legislation.

d) to monitor, improve and adapt to your preferences and choices regarding our products and/or services,

e) sending, via e-mail, information about the Company’s products and/or services,

f) the survey of our customers’ satisfaction, the promotion of our products and/or services, the sending of newsletters for our products and/or services,

g) the evaluation of applications and CVs with a view to the possibility of employment in our Company,

h) communication between us in the event of a competition.

  1. What is the lawful basis for the processing of your Data by the Company?

The processing of your Data is carried out in accordance with:

  • the terms of our contractual relationship,
  • your consent, where required,
  • the Company’s obligations arising from the law (e.g. tax, labour, insurance legislation, etc.),
  • the legitimate interest of our Company.
  1. Who are the recipients of your Data?

The Company guarantees that it will not transfer, disclose, assign, etc. your Data to third parties (other than those mentioned herein) for any purpose or use unless this becomes mandatory by applicable law or is required by public/judicial bodies/authorities.

Access to your Data is granted to the Company’s personnel who are absolutely necessary and who are bound by confidentiality obligations, and to the companies cooperating with us, which process your Data as Joint Controllers or as Processors on our behalf and in accordance with our instructions.

Indicatively, recipients of your Data are:

1) The company that issues the payroll of our Company’s employees.

2) The insurance companies cooperating with our Company.

3) Users of our trademarks and systems who cooperate with our Company.

4) The partner tourist agencies regarding the rental of cars.

5) The companies cooperating with our Company to provide repair, repair and maintenance services for vehicles leased to our customers.

6) Firms of certified public accountants that audit our Company’s financial statements.

7) Partner companies for the provision of roadside assistance to drivers using our Company’s vehicles.

8) Companies that also operate the global car booking system and are located in or outside of Europe), with whom we will share information related to our car rental business, which may include personal information of the booking entered through this application. Your Data will not be used for any other purpose without your prior notification and consent.

  1. How do we ensure that Processors & Processors respect your Data?

The Processors processing on our behalf have agreed and contractually bound themselves to the Company:

  • maintain confidentiality,
  • not to send your Data to third parties without the Company’s permission,
  • take appropriate security measures,
  • comply with the legal framework for the protection of personal data and in particular Regulation 679/2016/EU (also known as GDPR).

The Executors may, in the performance of their duties, employ other persons, who are called Sub-Executors. In this case, the controller should have given an authorisation to handle the processing of the Data in whole or in part. As a consequence, the sub-executor shall have the same obligations and rights as the Processor, as detailed in this Policy and always within the scope of his/her assigned responsibilities, and shall be jointly and severally liable with the Processor.

  1. When do we delete your Data?

We retain your Data only for as long as necessary to fulfil the purpose for which you have provided us with your data and in compliance with the applicable legal provisions.
Your declaration of consent for sending a newsletter is kept for as long as you receive a newsletter from the Company, unless you choose to stop receiving it.
The CVs that you submit via email for employment with the Company are retained for two (2) years, unless you indicate that you wish to retain them for a shorter period of time (the minimum time limit you may choose is six months from the date of submission) or to delete them.
The personal data you provide for your participation in the customer benefits programs will be deleted when the duration of the program expires or if there is a reason to exclude you from the program or you express your wish to stop participating in the program, as described in the terms of use of the program.
The Data processed during your participation in competitions and/or market research will be retained for as long as necessary for the completion of the competition or research and then deleted.
10. Is your Data safe?

The Company is committed to safeguarding your Data.
Recognizing the importance of the security of your Personal Data, we have taken all appropriate organizational and technical measures which are constantly improved based on technological developments with the sole purpose of ensuring the security and protection of your Data from any form of accidental or unlawful processing.

  1. What are your rights?

You have the right to access your personal data.
This means that you have the right to be informed by us if we process your Data. If we process your Data, you can request to be informed about the purpose of the processing, the type of your Data we hold, who we give it to, how long we store it, whether automated decision-making is carried out, and your other rights, such as rectification, erasure, restriction of processing and lodging a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.
You have the right to correct inaccurate personal data.
If you find that there is an error in your Data, you can submit a request to us to correct it (e.g. correcting your name or updating a change of address).
You have the right to erasure/right to be forgotten.
You can ask us to delete your Data if it is no longer necessary for the above mentioned processing purposes or you wish to withdraw your consent in case this is the only legitimate basis.
You have the right to portability of your Data.
You can ask us to receive the Data you have provided in a readable form or ask us to transfer it to another controller.
You have the right to restrict processing.
You can ask us to restrict the processing of your Data for as long as your objections to the processing are pending.
You have the right to object and withdraw consent to the processing of your Data.
You may object to the processing of your Data and we will stop processing your Data unless there are other compelling and legitimate reasons that override your right. If you have consented to the collection, processing and use of your Personal Data, you may withdraw your consent at any time with future effect.

  1. How can you exercise your rights?

To exercise your rights you can submit a request by sending a letter – request to the postal address of NaxosRide Rent a Car Naxos P.K. 84300, Greece or to the following e-mail address entitled “Exercise of Rights” and we will look into it and get back to you as soon as possible.
if you wish to withdraw your consent for sending a newsletter you can do so by selecting the link “To unsubscribe from the “newsletter mailing list” click here” located at the bottom of each newsletter.

  1. When do we respond to your Requests?

We will respond to your Requests free of charge without delay, and in any case within one (1) month of receiving your request. However, if your Request is complex or there are a large number of Requests, we will let you know within the month if we need to obtain an extension of another (2) two months within which to respond to you.
If your Requests are manifestly unfounded or excessive, in particular due to their repetitive nature, the Company may impose the payment of a reasonable fee, taking into account the administrative costs of providing the information or performing the requested action, or refuse to comply with the Request.

  1. Where can you contact for the progress of your Requests?

For information on the progress of your application you can call us at +30 6909032390 or at the following e-mail address

  1. What is the applicable law when we process your Data?

The applicable law is Greek law, as formulated in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EU, and in general the applicable national and European legislative and regulatory framework for the protection of personal data.
For any disputes arising in relation to your Data, the locally competent Greek Courts shall have jurisdiction.

  1. Where can you appeal if we violate the applicable law for the protection of your Personal Data?

You have the right to submit a complaint to the Personal Data Protection Authority (postal address 1-3 Kifissia Street, P.K. 115 23, Athens, tel. 210. 6475600, e-mail address, if you believe that the processing of your Personal Data violates the applicable national and regulatory framework for the protection of personal data.

  1. How will you be notified of any changes to this Policy?

We update this Policy whenever necessary. If there are significant changes to the Policy or the way we use your Personal Data, we will post an update to this Policy on our website and notify you by any appropriate means.

We encourage you to periodically read this Policy to know how your Data is protected.